2011年11月25日 星期五

Total Training Adobe Fireworks CS4

戰天  國中數學

商品名稱: Total Training Adobe Fireworks CS4

商品分類: ADOBE奧多比工具軟體

商品類型: Adobe Fireworks CS4教程軟體

語系版本: 英文正式版

運行平台: Windows XP/Vista/7

更新日期: 2009-06-05


Total-Training出品的Adobe Fireworks CS4教程,Sean McKnight主講。時長4個小時,級別


Sean McKnight是一位多媒體教師,從事教育事業超過10年之久,除此之外,Sean還是一個專

業的導演並經營著自己的視頻製作公司。 他擁有豐富的網站管理員,錄影製作專家和二維動

畫設計等行業經驗。在這部教程中,Sean將講解如何使用Fireworks CS4編輯圖片以及為圖片

潤色,如何創建和控制向量圖形, 找到使用層來組織和設計的最佳方法,輕而易舉地添加和



Total Training for Adobe Fireworks CS4 introduces you to Adobe's web

graphic development program, Fireworks. After watching this training,

you'll know how to create vector graphics, layouts and interactive

buttons for a website. You'll also learn about the interface, and

unlock the flexible features that allow you to edit bitmap images,

apply automated Commands, and optimize images for the Web. In

addition, you'll explore the more dynamic Web features, including

creating slices, linking hotspots, animating states, and more. This

series is just what you need to get up to speed quickly on everything

Fireworks has to offer!

